Customized Environmental Performance Tools

Examine the effect of design scenarios involving simultaneous impact reduction strategies. JBE team members have developed various life cycle-based software tools, including custom-built and user-friendly Excel models, to assist clients with “what-if” analyses as they explore various avenues for life cycle impact reduction. These tools function as streamlined or comprehensive LCA and footprinting calculators that allow clients to see the effect of applying multiple design changes simultaneously.

At JBE we pride ourselves on our ability to create custom tools to meet our client’s specific study results communication and further study exploration needs.

Examine the effect of design scenarios involving simultaneous impact reduction strategies. JBE team members have developed various life cycle-based software tools, including custom-built and user-friendly Excel models, to assist clients with “what-if” analyses as they explore various avenues for life cycle impact reduction. These tools function as streamlined or comprehensive LCA and footprinting calculators that allow clients to see the effect of applying multiple design changes simultaneously.

Customized Environmental Performance Tools - John Beath Environmental & Sustainability Consultants

Case Study Examples